Message from the President, Dr. Simon Prévost

I have been a family physician working in palliative care in Baie-des-Chaleurs for over 20 years. I dream of this house thinking of all the people and families that I accompanied until the very end, to offer them the best last moments.

Photo Dr Simon

In fact, from the beginning, this project has been there to make a difference. Make a difference in support, in relief, in listening, in respect, in the dignity of people at the end of life and, also and above all, in being able to offer a high quality option when this is no longer possible at home.

From the beginning, we wanted to create a space of humanity, a meeting place where the end of life will be at the center of everyone’s concerns, for the patient as well as for their loved ones. A culture where the easing of suffering will be at the heart and core of everyone’s work.

From the beginning, we imagined this project as one that would bring our communities together.  A project with a human dimension, where solidarity, professionalism and respect for the values of each individual reign.

When I arrived from my Grande Traversée, which was our first fundraising activity, many people came to tell me that they believed in the project and shared with me their conviction that it was going to happen. I admit that I have always believed in the generosity and solidarity of Gaspesians. After the support received from thousands of people from here and elsewhere, I believe that together, we can make a difference. After all, this project is developed by and for our community.

Together, let’s dream of this peaceful place where everything will be done to celebrate life, when life has an end.

Board of Directors

Made up of seven committed volunteers, the Board of Directors of the Baie-des-Chaleurs Palliative Care Home is composed of:

Simon Prévost

Family Doctor CISSS de la Gaspésie

Fanny Bernard

Assistant to the director of support for the autonomy of the elderly – home support component CISSS de la Gaspésie

Marie-Thérèse Dugas

Dean of Departmental Affairs, Université du Québec à Rimouski

Michel Bond

Director of Human Resources, LFG Construction

Carolanne Poirier

Administrative Assistant Baie-des-Chaleurs Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Margaret-Ann Cooke

Administrative Officer, Eastern Shores School Board

Dany Lepage

Retired as a Desjardins stocks and shares Advisor


Renée-Claude Maltais

Baie-des-Chaleurs palliative care home


Four volunteer committees will be set up to support the board of directors and the coordinator of the Baie-des-Chaleurs palliative care home.

Would you like to get involved in one of the committees? Write to let us know you are interested.